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Why I Volunteer - Pat Holt

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  • Written By: Pat Holt
Why I Volunteer - Pat Holt

I have had such a blessed life. Not always easy, but definitely blessed. I have been given so much – a wonderful family, great friends, a satisfying career teaching and now the ability to travel and enjoy doing the things I love. I feel I must try to give back in any way I can. This is what motivates me to volunteer.

What led me to PVHMC? I have a long history with this hospital. One of my uncles was born here in the 1920’s. My two brothers, sister and I were born here in the 1940’s. My two oldest daughters were born here in the early 60’s. Both my grandmother and mother were volunteers. I retired from 33 years of teaching in June 2006. By August of that year, I had my badge and began my first shift in the Tender Touch Gift Shop!

The feeling of being part of a very loving and supportive family is what keeps me motivated to stay.

Learn more about our High School, College and Adult Volunteer Programs here.