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New NICU Cameras at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center Bring Families Closer to their Infant

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New NICU Cameras at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center Bring Families Closer to their Infant

Noah Alexander Arroyo’s birth was an emotional event for parents Viviana Campos and Mario Arroyo. Viviana had hypertension and was admitted to Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center (PVHMC) two weeks before her due date. Upon birth, baby Noah had rapid breathing and was placed in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for observation as a safety measure for a couple of days.

PVHMC had recently installed an updated webcam system in its NICU that allows parents to watch their newborn through a special, secure camera system called NicView. The camera’s makers market the device as “the next best thing to being there” because it gives parents a 24/7 video stream of their newborn’s first few critical days, weeks, or even months in the NICU.

“The cameras provided us with reassurance,” says Mario. “It was helpful for Viviana to have the camera so she could rest and recover in her room and not feel pressured to be at Noah’s bedside all day. We felt comfortable and confident that Noah was safe and receiving great care in the NICU.”

Upon admission, Viviana and Mario received a secure login to the NicView system, so not only Noah’s parents, but their chosen family and friends could also follow Noah’s progress. The system’s cameras are only turned off when nurses attend to the baby and are turned back on afterward. Nurses can also leave notes for the parents to view upon logging in, providing more information to ease a worried parent’s stress.

Today, young Noah is doing well at home with his mom and dad, where he has been introduced to his older brother.

The funding for the updated NicView cameras was made possible by community and partner donations from past Wine Tasting events hosted by Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center’s Foundation.