Whereas the standard two-week sports medicine required rotation exposes the resident to primary care sports medicine (PCSM), the elective sports medicine track trains residents to be confident and competent in management of the athlete’s health concerns. The curriculum, with an inherent flexibility to meet individual resident’s need, will provide the resident with a solid foundation for care of the athlete upon completion of residency, and if desired, an unparalleled preparation for a fellowship opportunity in primary care sports medicine.
Sports Medicine Track residents are individuals who have demonstrated satisfactory academic progress and an ability to participate in an additional curriculum component without compromising their core residency experience. Residents are in their second and third year who have committed to participating in the track for their final two years of residency. Selection of residents is made during the first year of residency and commitment is not necessary as part of the residency application process. Although first years are not able to officially participate, they are welcome to become involved as their schedule allows.
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