PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency Program
The PVHMC PGY-1 pharmacy residency is structured in rotations across a
variety of clinical and administrative areas and includes both block and
longitudinal rotations. The required rotations provide a breadth of experiences
throughout the inpatient hospital setting. The elective rotations will
provide the resident opportunities to individualize the residency based
on their areas of interest. Additional elective learning experiences may
be developed based on resident interest and preceptor availability.
Upon satisfactory completion of the one-year residency, the participant
will receive a Certificate of Completion of a Residency issued by Pomona
Valley Hospital Medical Center. The certification of completion requires:
Required Core
Rotations (5 weeks)§
- Orientation (4 weeks)
- Emergency Medicine
- Family Medicine
- Infectious Diseases
- Internal Medicine
- Medical Intensive Care
- Neonatal Intensive Care/Pediatrics
Required Longitudinal
Learning Experiences (12 months)
Longitudinal Leadership
- Chief Resident (3 months)
- Education Chair (3 months)
- Medication Safety/Informatics (3 months)
- Wellness/Social Media Chair (3 months)
- Teaching and Research Certificate Program
- Staffing (two-8 hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday every other weekend
for 20 weekends, inclusive of training weekends)
Elective Block Rotations
(2-4 weeks)¶
- Advanced Infectious Diseases*
- Ambulatory Care#
- Cardiovascular Critical Care+
- Neurocritical Care+
- Outpatient Oncology+
- Pharmacy Administration*
- Pharmacy Informatics+
- Transitions of Care#
- Trauma Critical Care+
- Women’s Services#
§ Depending on time of year, the rotation may be extended to 6 weeks
due to days away from rotation
¶ Duration of elective learning experiences may vary depending on
the type of elective. Minimum duration of elective learning experiences
are notated as follows:
- * minimum 2 weeks, up to 4 weeks
- + minimum 3 weeks, up to 4 weeks
- # minimum 4 weeks
Minimum Requirements to Receive a Resident Certificate for the PGY-1 Pharmacy
Residency Program
Residents are expected to satisfactorily complete all requirements of the
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center Residency Program. Only those residents
who satisfactorily complete the requirements will receive their Residency
Certificate as evidence of program completion. Evaluation of the residents’
progress in completing the requirements is done as part of the quarterly
review process. The Residency Advisory Committee shall assess the ability
of the resident to meet the requirements by established deadlines and
work with the resident to assure their satisfactory completion. If a resident
is failing to make satisfactory progress in any aspect of the residency
program, a corrective action plan shall be developed by the Residency
Program Director in conjunction with the preceptor(s).
Requirements for successful completion of the PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency
Program include:
- California Registered Pharmacist Licensure (by program deadline)
- Completion of a full-time practice commitment for 12 months (52 weeks)
- Successful completion of all required learning experiences (7 core, 3 longitudinal)
- Achieved for Residency (ACHR) of 100% of all patient care related goals
and objectives (ASHP Competency Area R1)
- Achieved for Residency (ACHR) of 85% of all non-direct patient care related
goals and objectives (ASHP Competency Areas R2, R3, and R4)
- No more than one objective marked as Needs Improvement (NI) as the final
Completion of presentation requirements
- Grand rounds lecture to Family Medicine medical residents
- Noon conference presentation to hospital physicians
- Pharmacy grand rounds presentation to pharmacists
Completion of staffing component:
- 20 weekends comprised of two 8-hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday, inclusive
of training weekends
Completion of projects
- Medication Event Reporting (at least one report per learning experience)
- Medication Use Evaluation
- Drug Class Review
- Monograph
Completion of requirements for residency research project
- Submission and acceptance of IRB application
- Collection and analysis of data
- Submission and acceptance of abstract and slide deck for Western States
Conference for Pharmacy Residents, Fellows, and Preceptors
- Acceptable written summary of research project
- Completion of research presentation at the Western States Conference for
Pharmacy Residents, Fellows, and Preceptors
Completion of Teaching and Research Certificate Program Requirements
WesternU Teaching and Research Certificate (refer to the WesternU syllabus
for a detailed list of requirements)
- ASHP Teaching Certificate for Pharmacists and ASHP Research Skills Certificate
Timely submission and completion of all required evaluations on PharmAcademic
which includes:
- Initial and quarterly self-assessments
- Quarterly Maslach Burnout Inventory
- Learning experience evaluations
- Preceptor(s) evaluations
- Co-signature of all evaluations
- Documentation of all resident requirements (presentations, certifications,
etc.) should be maintained in a “resident notebook”
Completion of a written reflection by the resident of the past year
- Areas of strength or continued improvement identified for the resident
- Areas of strength or areas requiring improvement identified for the individual
program (specific suggestions on how to improve the program are encouraged)
- Completion of an exit interview with the Residency Program Director (includes
review of resident notebook) at the end of the residency year