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Heart Attack Care

Heart Attack Program

Our program, which focuses on prevention, education, and rapid response, is designed to empower patients to recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and take immediate action.

Prevention and Education

Understanding that heart attacks have beginnings, our program emphasizes the importance of prevention through education. We educate patients on the risk factors associated with heart attacks, including high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle. People can greatly diminish their risk of heart attack by recognizing this and making changes within their life.

Learn More About Common Heart Attack Warning Signs

Early Recognition and Response

One of the main pillars of our Heart Attack Program is early recognition and response. We educate patients on the signs and symptoms of a heart attack. Signs and symptoms include:

  • chest pain or discomfort
  • shortness of breath
  • nausea
  • lightheadedness
  • pain or discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach

Watch out for the signs and stay alert.

Time is of the essence when it comes to heart attack treatments. We work closely with our Emergency Department to ensure we can see the patient as quickly as possible.

Comprehensive Support and Rehabilitation

Recovering from a heart attack can be a difficult journey, both physically and emotionally. Our Heart Attack Program offers comprehensive support and rehabilitation services to help patients navigate their recovery journey. From cardiac rehabilitation programs to emotional support groups, we provide the resources and assistance patients need to regain their strength and confidence after a heart attack.

Expert Guidance and Care

At the Stead Heart & Vascular Center, we are proud to have a team of expert cardiologists, nurses, and support staff dedicated to providing exceptional care for patients in our Heart Attack Program. Personalized care and tailored treatments are what make our center stand apart.

Take Control of Your Heart Health

The Heart Attack Program at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center aims to help our community prevent or recover from heart attacks. We want to support you every step of the way. By prioritizing prevention, education and rapid response, pur patients have the resouces they need to take control of their health and life life the way they want to. Don't wait until it's too late—take proactive steps towards a healthier heart today.