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Stroke Care Outcomes

PVHMC has been providing comprehensive stroke services to our region and surrounding communities since 2010. Our stroke program addresses the rapid assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of stroke. A stroke is caused by the interruption of blood flow to the brain. This interruption is the result of either a blockage from a blood clot or the bursting of a blood vessel. 85% of strokes are the result of a blocked blood vessel.

Every second count in the treatment of stroke patients. The faster the patient identifies the symptoms of the stroke the sooner they can get to the hospital the faster we can treat them. Patients lose millions of brain cells every second blood flow is interrupted to the brain.

Stroke care starts when you call 911 and continues into the acute hospital with a treatment option that includes IV thrombolytic , the clot-busting mediation as well as thrombectomy, the removal of a blood clot from the blood vessel in the brain, causing the stroke.

Once the patient arrives at PVHMC, we provide expedited care and treatment to reverse the stroke or to minimize the disability of stroke.

Our care and treatment prime the brain for recovery. Stroke recovery may take up to one year.

We measure the recovery of our stroke patients using a modified Rankin Scale (mRS) which reflects patient’s functional status by level of independence.

Our goal is to discharge our patients with a mRS of zero to two (see chart below), with a minimal disability, return to work and/or to have the ability to perform the activities of daily living.

Our results for 2022 show that 27% of stroke patients who received acute stroke treatment are discharged from our hospital with a mRS of 0-2(independent functional status). However, after 90 days from discharge, 58% of our stroke patients are able to recover to an independent functional status with a mRS of 0-2.

We have primed the brain for recovery with our FAST action and lifesaving treatment options.

To learn more or to speak with a member of our stroke team, call 909.865.9858.

Public Reporting Data

Click here to view our public reporting data for stroke.

For more information about stroke, signs, and symptoms of treatment options, stroke rehabilitation and our stroke support group, please call 909.865.9858.

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