In 1937, 24 Volunteers decided to establish an Auxiliary dedicated to serving Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center (PVHMC). They created a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to volunteer service, raising money for the Hospital and helping the community.
Since its inception, the specific and primary purpose for which the Auxiliary was formed is to further the best interests of PVHMC and to assist in the promotion of its activities for patient welfare. Through volunteering and fundraising activities, the Auxiliary has fulfilled this purpose for more than 86 years.
The majority of funds come from the Tender Touch Gift Shop profits, where your patronage is most appreciated. Donations, memorials and fundraisers bring in additional resources each year. The Auxiliary created the Sick Baby and Hospital Assistance Fund to account for and disperse all the money raised for PVHMC.
Since the first projects of furnishing patient rooms, buying beds for the nurse’s school and raising money to build the very first pediatric wing for the Hospital in the 1950’s, the Auxiliary continues to sponsor the needs of the Hospital. Currently, there is a new modern pediatric unit under construction in the Women’s Center scheduled to open in late 2023.
Today, the Sick Baby and Hospital Assistance Fund is used for equipment and supplies in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and for children whose parents are in need of such assistance, such as car seats, gas cards for families who live a long distance from the hospital to facilitate visits, coloring books, games, DVD players, other items for our younger patients to provide comfort care, as well as other requests from throughout the Hospital.
The Auxiliary has proudly fulfilled $1,000,000 pledges for both The Robert & Beverly Lewis Family Cancer Care Center and the Robert & Beverly Lewis Outpatient Pavilion over 10-year periods. The Auxiliary continues to make significant contributions to the Hospital annually. The Auxiliary is self-governed by Volunteers, who are referred to as Associates, which reflects the all-inclusive philosophy of the PVHMC Administration and staff.
Tony Santorufo, President
PVHMC Auxiliary 2023
The Sick Baby and hospital Assistance Fund is used to assist in the payment of Hospital expenses at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center for children whose parents are in need of such assistance. It also gives the Auxiliary the opportunity to fulfill requests from throughout the Hospital.
If you would like to make a donation to the Sick Baby and Hospital Assistance Fund, you may use Visa or MasterCard or send a check to:
The Auxiliary of Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center
1798 N. Garey Ave.
Pomona, CA 91767
Any amount is accepted. Many people make donations in memory of a loved one or in honor of an accomplishment or celebration. If you wish to do so, please include this information along with the name and address of those you would like notified of the donation. For questions regarding donations please contact the Volunteer Office at 909.865.9669.