There are COVID-19 drive-through testing sites in Los Angeles County and events in San Bernardino County. At these drive-through testing sites and events, samples are collected by public health professionals by inserting a nasal swab up the nostril. These samples are then sent to a laboratory for testing. Events are free of charge and do not require health insurance.
Testing Sites for Los Angeles County Residents
The Los Angeles County COVID-19 screening sites are currently available by appointment only. There are currently 35 sites throughout Los Angeles County. Anyone who is interested in getting tested must first register on the screening website: http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/acd/ncorona2019/covidtests/. Appointment times will be available for the following day only.
Testing Events in San Bernardino County
For information about COVID-19 screening events in San Bernardino County – and to make an appointment, visit the website: https://sbcovid19.sbcounty.gov/.