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pH Bravo

The Bravo pH monitoring system is an advanced tool that measures acidity levels in your esophagus over a 48-hour period. It's crucial for diagnosing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and checking treatment effectiveness. At Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center (PVHMC), we use this system to get detailed, accurate data about esophageal pH levels, helping us create effective treatment plans for patients.

Why is the Bravo pH Monitoring System Used?

  1. Diagnosing GERD: GERD happens when stomach acid frequently flows back into the esophagus, causing heartburn, chest pain, coughing, and a sore throat. The Bravo system helps diagnose this condition. It checks how well GERD treatments are working by comparing pH levels before and after treatment.
  2. Monitoring Esophageal Conditions: It helps monitor other esophageal conditions and their response to treatment.

Symptoms Evaluated by Bravo pH Monitoring

  • Heartburn: Persistent burning sensation in the chest or throat.
  • Chest Pain: Unexplained chest pain that may mimic heart problems.
  • Coughing: Chronic cough not linked to other conditions.
  • Sore Throat or Hoarse Voice: Persistent throat issues without a clear cause.
  • Regurgitation: The sensation of acid or food backing up into the throat or mouth.

Bravo pH Monitoring Procedure Overview

During the Procedure:

Capsule Placement: The doctor will use an upper endoscopy to attach a small capsule to your esophagus. This is done under sedation for comfort.

Recording Setup: The capsule sends data to a recorder worn on a belt. You will press buttons on the recorder to log symptoms, eating times, and when you lie down or get up.

Normal Activities: Continue your usual daily routine but avoid strenuous activities. Eat regular meals for accurate results.

After the Procedure:

Diet and Activities: Return to your normal diet and activities but avoid things that might interfere with the recorder.

Monitoring Period: The test lasts for 48 hours. After this, return the recorder for data analysis.

MRI Precaution: Don’t get an MRI for 30 days after the capsule placement.

When to Call Your Doctor: Call your doctor if you have severe pain, trouble swallowing or any unusual symptoms.

Risks and Benefits of the Bravo pH Monitoring Test


  1. Non-Invasive: Minimally invasive and comfortable for most patients.
  2. Comprehensive Data: Provides continuous monitoring for over 48 hours, offering detailed insights into acid reflux patterns.
  3. Accurate Diagnosis: Helps diagnose GERD and assess treatment effectiveness.


  1. Capsule Retention: Rarely, the capsule may not detach and pass as expected, requiring medical intervention.
  2. Discomfort: Some patients may feel throat discomfort or a sensation of something being in their throat.
  3. Other Risks: Rare risks include tissue damage, bleeding, or aspiration of the capsule.

Results and Follow-Up

Data Analysis: Your healthcare provider will analyze the data collected by the recorder.

Discussion: Your doctor will discuss the results with you, explaining what they mean for your diagnosis and treatment plan.

Treatment Plan: Based on the results, your doctor will work with you to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

General Preparation Instructions for Gastrointestinal Procedures

Each gastrointestinal procedure requires specific preparations to ensure your safety and the success of the treatment. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Fasting: Avoid food and drinks, including water, for several hours, or more as instructed by your healthcare provider.
  • Medications: You may need to adjust or pause certain medications. Follow the specific directions given by your doctor.
  • Bowel Prep: Some procedures require clearing the intestines using either a liquid solution or pills containing laxatives. Procedures like colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, and PillCam capsule endoscopy typically require this type of preparation.

Please consult your doctor for detailed preparation instructions tailored to your health needs and the specific procedure.

Schedule an Appointment

Scheduling your appointment is through your gastroenterologist or by physician referral to one of our gastroenterologists.

Please contact your Gastroenterologist's office to schedule an exam/appointment. Contact us at 909.865.9141 for inquiries or questions.

If you do not have a primary care physician, please visit our website,, to schedule an appointment with a primary care physician.