The surgical team at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center offers comprehensive perioperative services for patients in Pomona and surrounding areas. Our team addresses both inpatient and outpatient surgical needs, offering education, preparation, and care for surgical patients and their families.
We perform a broad range of surgeries, including:
PVHMC is proud to offer state-of-the-art care paired with cutting-edge surgical procedures, technology, and equipment. Our highly trained and supportive surgical staff walks with you every step of the way in your procedure to ensure a pleasant and positive experience.
Your surgical journey will likely begin with a physician referral to our surgery unit. Prior to your operation, you set up a visit to our pre-admission unity for surgery (PAUS). During preliminary preparation for surgery, a nurse and technician will answer questions you have and ensure everything is set up correctly. If any lab work is needed, it will be done at this time to ensure that you have a comfortable experience on the actual day of surgery. We are happy to provide a tour to pediatric parents and their parents for greater peace of mind.
Every surgical operation and patient are unique, requiring different preparation. That's why we will provide information on how you should prepare and what to specifically expect before your operation.
You will arrive at our pre-operative unit on the day of your surgery to get prepared for your operation. Our experienced staff will greet you and provide the personalized care you need to get you ready for your surgery. We will then transport you to the holding room.
Our surgical team is comprised of board-certified anesthesiologists, registered nurses, surgical scrub technicians, and highly trained and qualified surgeons. We can answer any questions you have prior to entering the surgical suite.
PVHMC is committed to maintaining quality surgical services and patient safety. We utilize innovative techniques, the latest technology, advanced surgical tools, and highly experienced specialists to achieve optimal outcomes for our patients. From minimally invasive robotic surgery to advanced neurosurgery, our surgeons can do it all.
Please download and complete the Preadmission Testing Health History form before you arrive for preadmission.
Please click here for the Preadmission Health History form in English
Please click here for the Preadmission Health History form in Spanish
Since 1903, our medical center has been focused on providing world-class medical services. Trust your surgical procedure to our team of professionals. Expert care with a personal touch.