PVHMC is in collaboration with highly specially trained neurosurgeons and operating room staff is proud to offer leading-edge care for Neurosurgery with an individualized treatment plan. We offer a wide variety of minimally invasive procedure to shorten post –operative recovery. The hospital acquired a state of the art Surgical Navigation Technology for brain and spinal cord tumor. It provides the surgeon the “ability to see a patient’s anatomy in three dimensions and accurately pinpoints a location in the brain or spinal cord with the aid of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).” The information is then transferred to a computer in the operating room. Neurosurgery is a division of Surgery focused on the prevention, diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of disease affecting the central nervous system. By using this technology, the surgeon can accurately detect target location, make a precise smaller incision, minimize trauma to the patient, and shorten operating room and recovery time PVHMC is strongly committed and offers a wide variety of procedures to manage and treat neurosurgical conditions such as:
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