Saturday 5-14-22
For many patients, lingering Post-COVID-19 symptoms may be the most significant and frustrating consequence of the pandemic. An increasing number of people who were infected experience a wide range of prolonged complaints and symptoms. An ever-increasing concern is that a subset of these cases might develop a kind of chronic COVID-19, called Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS CoV-2 (PASC), often referred to as “Long COVID.” Our multi-specialty panel presented their experiences treating these patients over the past two years. Information highlighted appropriate referrals, and how to educate, manage and coordinate the medical and emotional care of patients dealing with “Long COVID."
Please click on the links below for a copy of the featured presentations from our Management of Post-COVID-19 Recovery Symposium.
Gurbinder Sadana, MD, FCCP - Management of Post-COVID-19 Recovery
Rakesh Sinha, MD - Post-COVID-19 Lung Injury
Jayapal Reddy, MD - Long COVID and the Heart
Diana Rahman, MD - Post-COVID Neurological Sequalae
Rehabilitation Services - Rehabilitation of the Post-COVID-19 Recovery Patient
Daniel Blocker, PhD – COVID and Its Psychological Effects
Moderator – Gurbinder Sadana, MD, FCCP
PVHMC Pulmonary and Critical Care
Rakesh Sinha, MD
PVHMC Pulmonary and Critical Care
Jayapal A. Reddy, MD
PVHMC Interventional Cardiology
Diana Rahman, MD
PVHMC Neurology
Joseph Baumgaertner, PT, MS, OCS
PVHMC Rehabilitation Services
Tammy Magill, RRT, RCP, PD-E, PR-C
Specialty Program Coordinator
PVHMC Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Stacey Leath, PT, MS
Specialty Program Coordinator
PVHMC Physical Therapy
Daniel Blocker, PhD
PVHMC Psychology/Counseling